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Random Skeletons
These guys are the main staple of the BONES cast. Most are
just nameless skeletons, but there are some specific individuals,
namely Osso and Ossis. Ossis is the "straight man", while Osso
is quite a neurotic lunatic. They all pretty much look alike, so
you won't be able to distinguish one from another reliably unless
they actually speak their names.
Grim Reaper
Death. We all know who he is. Unfortunately he can be a bit of a
prankster, and often is a total asshole. Oh well. I guess you'd
get bored too if all you did was go around to people to tell them
they're dead, and constantly get shunned and feared. A sick sense
of humor is the natural result.
One of the only living characters, Roy is extremely afraid of
the undead. Just his luck that he happens to live near this
merry band of walking-dead. He lives in a constant state of
petrified fear.
Zak, the Zombie
Zak is a confused and not terribly bright zombie. Often forgetting
that he's even dead, he's a source of amusement to the other denizens
of this place. In fact, he's so stupid and confused, that sometimes
the properties of space and time distort around him to accomodate his
lack of intellectual acuity.
Mad Scientist
Often in the progress of working on his latest exeriments, he's always
hanging around trying to understand the undead characters surrounding
him. He secretly hopes to turn them all into loyal minions so he can
take over the world.
A ghost... we don't know much about him yet, but his personality
should shine through eventually.
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