
Sometimes I receive interesting mail regarding my comics. Some good, some bad. On rare occasions, I receive something of particular note, and such messages may end up here. It's a bit thin at the moment, since I only have one major discourse on file at the moment...

Want to send me a note? necrobones at necrobones dot com.

The Mailbag:

  • Aug 5, 1998 - A message by Scott Kurtz, currently authoring PVP. The message was in reference to my Bones' UO Comics, which is of course part of my comics history.

    My response. Maybe it's just me, but somehow I always thought it to be more professional to not go around attacking the works of your peers, and telling them how to run their comics.

    Perhaps I misread it, but clearly some of his assumptions about my work were inaccurate, leading me to believe he didn't take a close look before speaking. And heck, it's an artform. Artists have different styles, not all of them are out for success, and not all of them pose a threat to each other. Interestingly enough, he appears to still be at it. In any case, I kept things diplomatic and friendly. To this day, however, my Bones' UO Comics site still has the comics postings and picture of the day that resulted from a combination of this particular discourse and this comic he posted months later. Shortly after I added my "drawing" strips, he added this one. At least we all kept things in good humor. We're all one big happy comics community, right? :)

    Like I said, I may have read too much into it. But when I found out that the mail I received was one of the nicer ones amongst many to other game "cartoonists" at the time, it skewed my opinion somewhat.

    (The remaining tidbits on the UO Comics site are basically due to the fact that I stopped updated soon afterwards, and until I locate my password it might be difficult to go in and change things)

    This Rant and This Comic from Penny Arcade is very interesting on the subject of certain opinions as well.


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